GO a Regiontour
20. - 23. 10. 2022

Asociace českých cestovních kanceláří a agentur, z.s.

LOCATION: Pavilion G1 / 009

Address of the company


Letenská 119/3
118 00, Praha 1
Czech Republic
Company ID 62936131
Phone: +420 224 862 551
E-mail: sekretariat@accka.cz
Webpage: http://www.accka.cz


The Association of Tour Operators and Travel Agents of the Czech Republic (ACCKA) is a national non-profit association that was founded in 1991 and today represents more than 250 businesses in the tourism sector. Our full members are tour operators and travel agents engaged in both inbound and outbound travel. Foreign travel agents, hotels, Tourist boards and commercial companies that provide services for our members can become affiliated members.

Fields of activity

2 Tour operators - Travel agencies
3 Tour sales agents
14 Promotion in tourism
16 Services in tourism - other