03. - 05. 03. 2023

ARDIX, spol. s r. o.

LOCATION: Pavilion V / 018

Address of the company


Hrazanská 366
763 26, Luhačovice
Czech Republic
Company ID 62509403
Phone: +420 777 941 001
E-mail: obruby@obruby.cz
Webpage: http://www.obruby.cz


X-ideExclusive distributor of optical frames and sunglasses: FESTINA * JEAN RENO * KYPERS * C-ZONE * ZIGGY * BÓVELO *VDESIGN * GDM * FACEL VEGA * BELLA * FRESH * ELEVEN * GOLFSTAR * BASIC * X-IDE Producer and supplier of shop fittings.

Fields of activity

1 Spectacle frames
18 Furniture for dispensing opticians