Národní výstava myslivosti
22. - 26. 04. 2023

Agrární komora České republiky

LOCATION: Pavilion G1 / 023

Address of the company


Počernická 272/96
108 00, Praha 10 - Malešice
Czech Republic
Company ID 47674768
Phone: +420 734 155 128
E-mail: novakova@akcr.cz
Webpage: http://www.akcr.cz


The Agrarian Chamber of Czech Republic has been established by the Act; it associates majority of entrepreneurs in agriculture, foresty and food industries; it promotes and defends interests of its members and provides consulting and information services in the territory of Czech Republic in the following areas.

Fields of activity

17 Association,  unions
19 Research, education, services, literature related to gamekeeping