Smart solutions for the future mobility

20. - 22. 09. 2022 Veranstaltungsdatum
Messe Brünn Veranstaltungsort
Eingänge und Parkplätze

Details zur Veranstaltung

The FUTURE MOBILITY expo is a presentation of solutions for the mobility of the future and a platform aimed at exchanging information, education, exchange of knowledge, experience and creating conditions for faster introduction of latest technologies in transport.

The main idea of FUTURE MOBILITY is a new transport system based on clean drives, sharing, automation and digital technologies. This system will bring change resulting in a significant reduction in emissions, shorter travel times, higher quality, comfort, safety, and less dependence on the human factor.

The expo as well as the conference part of FUTURE MOBILITY are linked with the URBIS SMART CITY FAIR.

FUTURE MOBILITY 2022 will consist of an exhibition, demonstrations and a trade conference entitled "Mobility as a service for 21st century cities".



20.–21. 9. 9.00–18.00
22. 9. 9.00–16.30
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