Internationale Fachmesse für Abwehr- und Sicherheitstechnik

HENSOLDT Analytics GmbH


HENSOLDT Analytics is a global leading provider of Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) systems and Natural Language Processing technologies. HENSOLDT Analytics focusses on end-to-end systems and tools that can efficiently extract and analyse information from open sources (TV, radio, blogs, social media, etc.) and turn them into actionable intelligence, employing cutting-edge technologies across multiple languages, geographies and sources that have been developed with a focus on the requirements of situational awareness.

STANDORT: Halle P / 048



Mariannengasse 14
1090, Wien
Österreich Firmensitz in der Karte anzeigen

Address 2

Lise-Meitner-Straße 11
85521, Ottobrunn
Deutschland Firmensitz in der Karte anzeigen

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