SALIMATECH und EmbaxPrint

Messen für Lebensmittelindustrie, Gastronomie, Druck und Verpackung

Zilli & Bellini s.r.l.

ID-Nr.: 150780344

Company Zilli & Bellini S.r.l., Parma, Italy is manufacturer of filling and closing lines:

- automatic can seamer from 1 up to 12 heads
- automatic can seamer DUPLEX 3+3 or 4+4 for double sizes
- rotary piston fillers
- linear piston filler for row and cooked meat filling
- rotary piston fillers with vertical valve
- automatic telescopic fillers
- automatic gravity filler
- rotary vacuum fillers
- rotary gravity fillers
- automatic monoblock & multifillers
- handpack fillers
- filling lines.

STANDORT: Halle V Erdgeschoss / 041

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