SALIMATECH und EmbaxPrint

Messen für Lebensmittelindustrie, Gastronomie, Druck und Verpackung

MillTech CZ s.r.o.

ID-Nr.: 7180942

Authorized distributor of flexible connectors BFM Fitting, slide gates and diverter valves Vortex. Company designs and supply with whole technologies such as filtration, storage, conveying, mixing, avoiding explosion risk and others.

STANDORT: Halle V Erdgeschoss / 089



Hlavní 32
251 63, Kunice-Vidovice
Tschechische Republik Firmensitz in der Karte anzeigen
+420 739 282 715

Vertretene Marken

BFM Fitting

16 Machines, technologies and equipment for food industry - other

Vortex Global

16 Machines, technologies and equipment for food industry - other

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