SALIMATECH und EmbaxPrint

Messen für Lebensmittelindustrie, Gastronomie, Druck und Verpackung

FrieslandCampina Netherlands B.V.


The Debic brand was created for the catering industry and is aimed exclusively at professionals such as chefs, pastry chefs, bakers and food suppliers etc.
The comprehensive range includes cream, butter, bases for desserts and mixes for ice cream and milkshake.

STANDORT: Halle V Erdgeschoss / 080, Halle V Erdgeschoss / 080A



Stationsplein 4
3818 LE, Amersfoort
Niederlande Firmensitz in der Karte anzeigen
+420 727 943 543

Vertretene Marken


1 Milk and milk products

Vertretene Firmen

Royal FrieslandCampina N.V.

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