Caravaning Brno

International Caravan Show



GoSun Fusion USA

GoSun Fusion Hybrid is the world's first portable, solar + electric oven to operate outside the network. This versatile cooker is 5 times more efficient than a traditional electric oven. In any weather (including cold and clouds) - when upgrading the Fusion + PowerBank GoSun 12V / 150W.
Use: no restrictions indoors or out, when camping, motor home, boat, caravan, emergency or when driving in a car with 12V power. They can be easily used in the garden or on the terrace of a panel house or when fishing in comfort and without fuel. Modern ecological healthy and safe cooking, grilling and baking on solar energy and external 12V source. Use all year round in snow and frost. The use is really wide.

Location Pavilion P / 052

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