Smart solutions for the future mobility


Field 5 Alternatice transportations and fuels
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Kia EV6

Kia EV6 - european Car Of The Year 2022
The EV6 is Kia's all-electric crossover that ushers in a new era and sets new standards for mobility for years to come. Be inspired by the attractive and distinctive design.

Location Open air space D2 / 016A Open air space D2 / 016

Kia Niro EV

Find your way to a CUV built on innovation. Distinctive and bold body design. Spacious, but with a minimalist concept on board. And futuristic thanks to advanced technologies, connectivity and security. Choose between the purely electric version of the Niro EV and a hybrid or plug-in hybrid version.

Location Open air space D2 / 016A Open air space D2 / 016


Location Pavilion A1 / 002 Open air space D2 / 003

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