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Field 26 Culture, amusement
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ENERGYLANDIA is the largest amusement park in Poland, which offers 123 attractions for all ages, children, youth and adults on an area of 70 hectares. The park is located in the town of Zator on the border of the two largest agglomerations of southern Poland - Silesia and Lesser Poland, less than half an hour from Katowice and Krakow and less than 20 kilometres from Wadowice or Auschwitz. Energylandia has only been on the market for 9 years - but the number of attractions, the level of service and the comfort of guests - all meet the highest standards. Thousands of tourists visit us every year, eager for entertainment at the highest level. It is very important that in Energylandia, by purchasing ONE TICKET you can use all the facilities and attractions without limitations and without restrictions. You don't have to worry about running out of money in the middle of your visit to buy another attraction for yourself or the kids. You can spend the whole day with us, from opening to closing, and use all the attractions as many times as you want! We guarantee that no one will be bored and everyone will definitely want to come back..... for more! The huge parking lot can hold thousands of cars. The thoughtful, ergonomic and undoubtedly beautiful design of the entrance gates, the state-of-the-art system and dozens of ticket counters will avoid difficult queuing, and a special plan of viewing aisles will ensure visitors easy and hassle-free access to all the park's attractions. Our attractions feature specially selected themed decorations and backdrops, divided into 6 zones. A new 7th zone, Sweet Valley, will be opening soon, where the youngest visitors can make their sweet dreams come true.

Location Pavilion G2 / 023

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