International Defence and Security Technologies Fair


Field 5.1 Mechanical means of security
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Institute of Blast & Impact Proof Concrete, s. r. o.

INSTITUTE OF BLAST & IMPACT PROOF CONCRETE - IBIPC is a leading provider of security solutions for the defence industry, critical infrastructure and civil defence that protect people, business and society. IBIPC's ultra-high strength wireframe concrete products with unique kinetic energy absorption capability, developed in collaboration with scientists from the Czech Technical University Prague and the University of Defence Brno, have been certified by the Military Research Institute s.e. to NATO STANAG 2280:2016 standard for ballistic, blast and shrapnel resistance of the highest values: A5, C4, D6. The properties declared by the patents are verified by a certificate in the State Testing Laboratory of the Czech Technical University in Prague. Intellectual and industrial rights of the products are protected by European patents and industrial designs. IBIPC security elements provide a high level of protection to targets of the first attack, objects important for national defence, military and civil infrastructure, protect against threats of sabotage and terrorist attack, hybrid attack and attack by professional army. The newly developed comprehensive range of globally unique HI TEC safety elements brings the ability to respond quickly to defined threats in the event of an emergency, state of national emergency and state of war. From security benches to ballistic walls, checkpoints and filter-ventilation bunkers to hardened military aircraft shelters. IBIPC is a founder of the International Joint Venture Trusted Alliance, along with the US-based Singleton Group International, and a member of the Security Bunker Alliance. It is a reliable partner for the Army, Police, Security Forces and Civil Defence especially of EU and NATO countries.

Location Pavilion P / 077

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