Internationale Fachmesse für Abwehr- und Sicherheitstechnik

HellermannTyton GmbH

ID-Nr.: 15065300

HellermannTyton is a leading manufacturer and supplier of quality products for fastening, fixing, installing, connecting, insulating, protecting and identifying electrical cables and network connectivity solutions. We also develop cable management parts for customised needs.
It is our mission to develop effective solutions for all cable management requirements. In order to live up to this goal, we get to grips with everything (and we mean everything!) that goes on in the world of our customers. And they are our main inspiration when we develop our product ranges. We operate 18 world-class manufacturing facilities and develop products at 13 locations. More than 5 000 employees work at HellermannTyton in 39 countries and offer you first-class service and advice - wherever you need it.
Our global brand is trusted by industry professionals around the world. The quality of HellermannTyton products is inspired by your cable management needs.

STANDORT: Halle P / 056



Rennbahnweg 65
1220, Wien
Österreich Firmensitz in der Karte anzeigen


ISO 9001:2015.

Vertretene Marken


5 Security technology services

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