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Questions & Answers about postponing trade fairs and other events

BVV Trade Fairs Brno responds to frequently asked questions that arise in connection with the current development of the Covid-19 virus spread and cancellation of mass events. We ask all partners who are currently contacting us, to check if their question is answered in this document.

If you have not found the answers to your questions and are exhibitors at one of the postponed fairs, please be patient. Our colleagues will contact you shortly and deal with the situation individually.

Why have the fairs been postponed or cancelled?

As a responsible company, BVV Trade Fairs Brno responded to the emergency situation and recommendations of the Regional Hygiene Authority regarding the banning mass events. The current situation has complicated travel and larger companies have put restrictions on business trips and staff contact due to health risks. There are severe restrictions on the part of both the Czech and especially foreign companies. The opinion of our partner associations and key exhibitors was considered before postponing the fairs. The government decision of 10th March 2020 to ban mass events confirmed the correctness of the decision. With this step, we prevented losses of all involved, BVV as organizers and above all the exhibitors.

Have such measures been taken in the past?

This is a completely unprecedented situation that has never occurred in the history of BVV. We consider moving or cancelling of our exhibition events as a completely extraordinary solution in a time of general uncertainty.

Which events have been postponed?

The group of agricultural fairs TECHAGRO, SILVA REGINA and BIOMASA, the OPTA fair, the group of food fairs under the SALIMA brand and the packaging trade fair EMBAXPRINT were postponed. The hosting fair AMPER, organized by Terinvest Prague, was rescheduled, too.

Which nearest fairs have been postponed or cancelled?

Replacement dates for the postponed fairs are set as follows:

OPTA: the fair will be held as soon as the situation has come back to normal (2020)
AMPER: March 16–19, 2021

Will other events be moved or cancelled?

For other fairs and events scheduled after 1 June 2020, we do not anticipate any changes and prepare them according to the standard schedule. MSV preparation takes place within the set deadlines, including deadlines for exhibitors' applications.

How do exhibitors react to the current situation?

The exhibitors of the affected events welcome our decision on the postponements because they can avoid unnecessary expenditure. The exhibitors understand the situation and are ready to attend the fair at alternative dates.

How will you compensate exhibitors for cancelled or postponed fairs?

The fairs organized by our company are in all cases postponed, not cancelled. This decision was made on the basis of the “force majeure” situation and BVV Trade Fairs Brno could not prevent it in any way; all we could do was making timely and correct decisions to eliminate the maximum damage that could have occurred if the preparations of the fairs continued. Amendments will be made to the existing contracts for events at new dates.

Will visitors be refunded the paid admission?

Admission paid online for BVV events will be refunded in full.

Will BVV Trade Fairs Brno reimburse exhibitors' expenses for accommodation, travel and other expenses?

BVV Trade Fairs Brno are not responsible for costs arising from contracts or orders with third parties.

How do you inform exhibitors and visitors?

We gradually contact exhibitors or respond to their questions and resolve the situation individually. At present, the respective sales teams deal with the situation and communicate with exhibitors. These are hundreds of contacts and we ask everyone for patience. We primarily try to solve the situation with trade unions, which usually represent a wider group of exhibitors. Current information is published on the website www.bvv.cz and on social networks.

Is it possible to cancel participation in a trade fair that has been postponed?

There is no reason to cancel participation, as the events are only postponed. Should the events be cancelled, we will proceed according to the exhibition conditions.

Do you accept applications for autumn fairs?

The preparation of all events including the MSV runs according to the planned schedule including deadlines for applications. At present, for all events that have not been moved, it is assumed that they will take place on the announced dates and in standard scope and quality.

How long will the restrictive measures last?

We believe that the government has an interest in restoring normal life in the country and that the existing measures will only be in force for the necessary time. In addition to the fairs, other currently planned events had to be cancelled.

How do BVV Trade Fairs Brno care about the safety of their employees and their visitors?

We are in contact with the Regional Hygiene Authority and we have taken a number of preventive measures already at the events that took place before the Government Security Council issued its restrictive directives. This has strengthened the hygiene of persons moving at the exhibition centre, whether visitors, exhibitors or employees. Cleaning and hygiene have been and will be given due attention at all times.

What will be the economic consequences for BVV Trade Fairs Brno?

BVV Trade Fairs Brno has sufficient reserves to cope with the current crisis situation. Immediate austerity measures have been taken. We are at the beginning of the marketing year and the final result will depend on further development.

How does cancelling trade fairs affect the economy of the city and the region?

The economic impact on the region's economy will be significant, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises focused on the construction of exhibition stands, hotels and tourism in general. The economic losses of these entities cannot be quantified at the moment.

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