ANIMAL TECH, Národní výstava hospodářských zvířat

International Fair for Animal Production

FIDES AGRO, spol. s r.o.

Company ID: 60753951

We produce and supply mineral feed, premixes and milk replacers for all categories of farm animals. As a supplementary assortment we offer prestarters for piglets, calves and supplementary feeding mixtures for dairy cows. At the same time we offer a complete assortment for hobby farmers under the brand FIDmix and horses HIPPI müsli.

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 029

Address of the company


č. p. 709
696 13, Šardice
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 518 624 166

Represented brands


12 Feeds and dietetics

HIPPI® müsli

12 Feeds and dietetics

Fields of activity

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