ANIMAL TECH, Národní výstava hospodářských zvířat

International Fair for Animal Production

PK Technik s.r.o.

Company ID: 24200247

We are the official importer of the top trailers of the French company Cheval Liberté Debon for the Czech Republic. Cheval Liberté trailers have a tradition of production in Europe for almost 30 years, and are among the largest and most popular brand of trailer equipment and accessories for transporting livestock. We offer a wide range of products, we will safely satisfy all demand in our field.

LOCATION: Pavilion F / 012

Address of the company


Holečkova 799/99
150 00, Praha 5
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 607 811 916

Represented brands

Cheval Liberté

19 Transportation and handling equipment

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