Caravaning Brno

International Caravan Show


Company ID: 36582051

Publishing house EQUILIBRIA was established in 2004 and it is dedicated to publishing Czech, Slovak and translated non-fiction and fiction. Among the most popular are technical and medicine titles, but also children´s books.

The books we publish are carefully selected not only according to the market needs, i. e. the readers´ interests but also - and mainly according to the originality, uniqueness, i. e. what added value they can offer compared to other books. Many times we pursue the projects that are focused on a more narrow target groups of readers. We appreciate high-quality literature and we try to enrich our readers and help them see the world from a different, other than mainstream perspective.

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 031

Address of the company


Textilná 4
040 12, Košice
Slovakia Show the location of main office on map
+421 909 186 702



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Exhibited products

Motorhome - Caravanner´s Practical Guide
Motorhome - Caravanner´s Practical Guide

Motorhome - Caravanner´s Practical Guide
Have you also come across the idea of spending your leisure time travelling with a motorhome? In case you haven´t had any previous experience with this type of travelling yet, this book is in the right hands.

It guides you through basic information on different types, models and options of motorhomes. The book clarifies what to expect of the motorhome, what equipment can be fit inside and how it can be used.
It gives a piece of advice on technical breakdowns en route and on necessary equipment for travelling with recreational vehicle, too.

Brief itineraries of the expeditions should inspire and encourage you where to travel and what to experience with a motorhome. The author takes advantage of his 20-year experience and knowledge obtained as service provider to many motorhomes of different brands.

The book will please not only the beginners but also more experienced caravanners.

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