Smart solutions for the future mobility

INTENS Corporation s.r.o.

Company ID: 28435575

INTENS Corporation is a technological leader in V2X cooperative traffic systems. We connect motion data from traffic sensors and elements on the infrastructure with individual road users. We create a world where vehicles understand each other regardless of type, manufacturer, model or equipment. Already today, we bring solutions that lead to a safer, smoother and more comfortable mobility of tomorrow.


Address of the company


Za Brumlovkou 266/2
140 00, Praha
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 222 269 649
E-mail: info@intens.cz

Exhibited products

INTIQ Platform

INTIQ Platform
The INTIQ Platform by INTENS Corporation is a modular scalable software providing support for multiple areas of governance. Being offered as either on premise or cloud solution, it covers various functionalities in traffic control and monitoring as well as security. Its architecture based on independent functional modules and microservices provide scalability and robustness. Number of deployments for governance of city and national traffic systems testify our concept and effectively help provide better road conditions to drivers.

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