Smart solutions for the future mobility

Eurogreen CZ

Company ID: 64651959

Goupil - Utility electric vehicles
Utility electric trucks from the French manufacturer Goupil, which has been producing electric work trucks since 1996, were purposefully designed as electric vehicles from the very beginning. They therefore do not suffer from the shortcomings found in electric vehicles that have been converted from vehicles originally with internal combustion engines. The Goupil concept is matched by a robust chassis, wide range of applications, compact dimensions, simple ergonomic and comfortable operation, low operating costs and environmental impact.

The main advantages of Goupil commercial vehicles
Economical and silent operation
Ergonomics and comfort
Compact dimensions
Robustness and reliability

LOCATION: Pavilion A1 / 013, Open air space D2 / 015

Address of the company


Námestí Jiřího 2
407 56, Jiřetín pod Jedlovou
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 412 379 131

Exhibited products

Commercial electric vehicle GOUPIL
Commercial electric vehicle GOUPIL

Commercial electric vehicle GOUPIL

Represented brands

Polaris Goupil

3 Haulage and special vehicles

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