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International Travel Fairs

A.W. spol. s r. o.

Company ID: 13642031

The company A.W. spol. s.r.o. is the only producer of Olomoucke tvaruzky (cheese) in the world. This unique product has received a protected geographical indication.

LOCATION: Pavilion G1 / 030A

Address of the company


Palackého 4
789 83, Loštice
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 583 445 111

Exhibited products

Olomoucke tvaruzky (Cheese)
Olomoucke tvaruzky (Cheese)

Olomoucke tvaruzky (Cheese)
Olomoucke tvaruzky is a mature cheese made of skim (non-fat) milk. It has a completely unique spicy flavour, a typical smell, surface with a golden yellow cover and a sticky semi-soft to soft consistency with a noticeably lighter core. It usually comes in the form of circles, rings, sticks or irregular pieces. Olomoucke tvaruzky is a table cheese. It has a typical and unmistakable taste and smell caused by the (proteolytic) degradation of cheese proteins during the maturing process. Thanks to its nutritional values – low energy value (i.e. low fat content) and full-value proteins and calcium, Olomoucke tvaruzky is ranked among the top cheeses.

No genetically modified ingredients are used in the production of Olomoucke tvaruzky. The cheese is made without adding rennet, colourings, flavourings and stabilizers. It contains an allergen – quark made from pasteurized cow milk. It does not contain substances that cause celiac disease and therefore is suitable for a gluten-free diet.

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