International Defence and Security Technologies Fair

06. - 08. 10. 2021 Date
Brno Exhibition Centre Venue
Entrances and parking

Event details

IDET, International Fair of Defence and Security Technology, is one of the biggest shows of defence technology in Central and Eastern Europe. Exhibitors from ca. 30 countries present their products to international military delegations and professionals from all over the world. In 2005 IDET was the largest trade show in this field in Europe and since 1997 it has been number one in Europe in odd years. Part of each run is a varied accompanying programme in which defence technology experts discuss topical issues. PYROS and ISET is held concurrently with IDET under the common title of Integrated Rescue System Fairs.

Opening hours


6.–7. 10. 9.00–18.00
8. 10. 9.00–17.00
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