International Defence and Security Technologies Fair

Vojenský výzkumný ústav, s. p., Brno

Company ID: 29372259

Military Research Institute, state enterprise, (MRI) is the only state-owned company issued by Ministry of Defence that holds the character of a research institute.
It ensures meeting strategic and other significant interests of the state in the field of defence and security, the development of capacities of the Army of the Czech Republic, Armed Forces and the Emergency System of the Czech Republic as well as it performs the activities of industrial and business nature to ensure supplies and services needed to guarantee the defence and safety of the Czech Republic and discharges liabilities based on the membership in NATO and the EU.
MRI is designed conduct research, experimental development and innovation to ensure the defense and state security in the fields of science, especially ground Forces equipment, materiel and logistics areas of competence:
CBRN protection - chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear protection and connected fields, such as chemical protection of the army and Live Chemical Agent Training,
Special electronics and camouflage - sensors, electronic warfare and camouflage and deception,
Material engineering - special metal and non-metal materials and technologies of ballistic, anti-mine protection, surface protection, the system of quality and the technology of logistics.

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 005

Address of the company


Veslařská 230
637 00, Brno
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 543 562 101


ISO 9001

ISO 14001

osvědčení AQAP 2110.

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