International Defence and Security Technologies Fair

AURA, s.r.o.

Company ID: 46991573

Leading provider of IS for military logistics, logistics support in a crisis situation, material lifecycle management, material codification according to NATO standards and defence standardisation.
Comprehensive services in the field of NATO Codification System (NCS): software, NCS implementation at the national level, training, consultancy, data cleansing, solutions for industry.
Other products and services: Publi - the platform for controlled document distribution, technical translations, IS for legal agendas, IS for CBRN situation assessment.

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 016

Address of the company


Úvoz 499/56
602 00, Brno
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 544 508 111


ISO 9001

AQAP 2110

ISO/IEC 27001

Represented brands


14.1 Specialised books, publications and publishers

Represented companies

Allan Webb Ltd.
United Kingdom
Bruhn NewTech A/S
Code Creator, s.r.o.
Czech Republic
HEDO Praha s.r.o.
Czech Republic

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