International Defence and Security Technologies Fair

Krauss-Maffei Wegmann


Krauss-Maffei Wegmann, a member of the German-French defense technology group KNDS, leads the European market for highly protected wheeled and tracked vehicles. At locations in Germany, Brazil, Greece, Hungary, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the USA more than 4.000 employees develop, manufacture and support a product portfolio ranging from air-transportable, highly protected wheeled vehicles through reconnaissance, anti-aircraft and artillery systems to main battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles* and bridge laying systems. In addition, KMW has wide-ranging system competence in the area of civil and military simulation, as well as in command and information systems and remote-controlled weapon stations with reconnaissance and observation equipment.
The armed forces of more than 50 nations worldwide rely on tactical systems by KMW.
* Joint venture with national and international partners

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 102

Address of the company


Krauss-Maffei-Str. 11
80997, München
Germany Show the location of main office on map
+49 898 140 50

Represented brands


2 Main battle tanks, vehicles and means of transport

Represented companies

Nexter Systems

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