International Defence and Security Technologies Fair

SPACEKNOW INC., odštěpný závod

Company ID: 8522227

At SpaceKnow, we are at the forefront of automated satellite data analysis in precision-recall capability, multiple data source integration, and scalability. We are global leaders in the quality of AI-based algorithms thanks to an entirely in-house development process, including pixel-wise annotations, multiple machine-learning processes, and thorough testing. SpaceKnow has ten years of history of cutting-edge satellite data expertise which we offer to our clients through our unique and easy-to-use SpaceKnow Guardian imagery intelligence analytical software product.

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 115

Address of the company


Thámova 166/18
186 00, Praha 86
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 605 902 690

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