The Perspectives of E-mobility XII conference with the subtitle Directions and Trends in Vehicle Development, Infrastructure and Legislation presents the current state of the art in the field of vehicles for various purposes through partners and speakers, which are united by one common feature – electric drive powered by an integrated battery unit. The presentations will cover a range of topics – from government attitudes, advances in design and energy storage, infrastructure, the overlap of electric mobility with the wider energy sector, and the potential of electric vehicles for work, recreation and improving quality of life.
The conference is intended for a wide range of listeners and interested parties from the professional and interested public, representatives of local governments, companies operating cargo and passenger transport; visitors of the International Engineering Fair are also welcome.
Attitude of the state towards alternative fuels in automotive transport
Development in electro mobility – trends in 2021 in the Czech Republic, Europe and the world
– electrically powered vehicles and related infrastructure,
– construction, materials, energy, control and automation technology, technical regulations,
– development of the affordability of electric vehicles,
– clean mobility and new forms of vehicle ownership,
Electro mobility and electricity generation in context
– integrating electric vehicles into the wider context of Smart Homes, Smart Grids and Smart Cities,
– energy storage for vehicle charging, battery storage units.
Development and experience
– the use of passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles for mass transport of people,
– mass use of single-track electric vehicles in cities,
– electric vehicles for play, recreation and assistance to disabled people
Ing. Martin Voříšek, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
Ing. Jaromír Marušinec, Ph.D., MBA, VUT Brno; Electric Vehicle Industry Association
Ing. Miroslav Kuželka, ABB s. r. o.
Ing. Tomáš Chmelík, Ph.D., ČEZ, a.s.
Ing. Martin Šilar, Siemens s. r. o.
Ing. Silvester Buček, ejoin, s. r. o.
Mgr. Jakub Ditrich, s. r. o.
Lukáš Hataš, Association for Electromobility of the Czech Republic

International Engineering Fair
62nd International Engineering Fair
Accompanying program
Pavilion A2 / 007
Contact-Contract 2021, B2B meetings
Traditional international "Contact-Contract" B2B event is a unique opportunity to increase competitiveness and identify new markets and business partners. It is a joint project of the Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce, Czech and foreign partners belonging to the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), chambers of commerce and BVV Trade Fairs Brno, a.s.
If you are interested in tailor-made meetings, this event combines the advantages of trade fair participation and the increasingly popular matchmaking: bilateral pre-arranged meetings with a precise timetable.
Pavilion G1
Czech Industry Photo
Czech Industry Photo je putovní osvětová výstava, která odhaluje potenciál a skryté krásy českého průmyslu v rámci rozmanitých odvětví. Tato fotovýstava je unikátním projektem, který prostřednictvím vizuální komunikace prezentuje inovace a perspektivu zaměstnání v průmyslu. Zároveň zprostředkovává pohled na pracovní postupy, obory a profese ve výzkumu, vývoji, výrobě, v průmyslovém designu či transferu energií.
Hall E – Room E4
Robot 101: Digi-covid transformace
Challenges for the Czech economy, society and management in the context of technological transformation of companies.
Celebration of the world's most famous word of Czech origin, ROBOT.
Invited speakers include Vítězslav Lukáš, ABB s.r.o., Prof. Vladimír Mařík, CIIRC CTU, Libor Witassek, Kovolit, a.s, Simona Kijonková, Zásilkovna s.r.o. + winner of the Manager of the Year 2020 competition in the category Manager of the Digital Age
Pavilion A2 / 042
Packaging live
Presentation of technologies in practice – robot controlled packaging line accompanied by expert commentary.
Robotization, labeling, packaging, handling, identification, palletization, distribution, information system, monitoring (Industry 4.0).
Pavilion A2 / 042
Packaging live
Presentation of technologies in practice – robot controlled packaging line accompanied by expert commentary.
Robotization, labeling, packaging, handling, identification, palletization, distribution, information system, monitoring (Industry 4.0).
Pavilion A2 / 042
Packaging live
Presentation of technologies in practice – robot controlled packaging line accompanied by expert commentary.
Robotization, labeling, packaging, handling, identification, palletization, distribution, information system, monitoring (Industry 4.0).
Pavilion G1
Czech Industry Photo
Czech Industry Photo je putovní osvětová výstava, která odhaluje potenciál a skryté krásy českého průmyslu v rámci rozmanitých odvětví. Tato fotovýstava je unikátním projektem, který prostřednictvím vizuální komunikace prezentuje inovace a perspektivu zaměstnání v průmyslu. Zároveň zprostředkovává pohled na pracovní postupy, obory a profese ve výzkumu, vývoji, výrobě, v průmyslovém designu či transferu energií.
Pavilion A2 / Stánek 07
Kontakt-Kontrakt 2021, B2B meetings
Traditional international "Contact-Contract" B2B event is a unique opportunity to increase competitiveness and identify new markets and business partners. It is a joint project of the Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce, Czech and foreign partners belonging to the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), chambers of commerce and BVV Trade Fairs Brno, a.s.
If you are interested in tailor-made meetings, this event combines the advantages of trade fair participation and the increasingly popular matchmaking: bilateral pre-arranged meetings with a precise timetable.
Hall E – Room E2
Additive manufacturing forum 2021
The largest meeting of those interested in professional 3D printing technologies in Central Europe will present innovations in additive manufacturing and its application in Czech and foreign practice. With the participation of the world's leading suppliers of 3D printers, their local representatives and customers, we will present the use of advanced technologies for more productive production of prototypes, tools and end products in mass production. All-day refreshments and a raffle with valuable prizes will be provided for participants.
Entry fee: 990 CZK.
Pavilion P / 060
Czech trade meeting point
– How to find a suitable business partner abroad?
– What form of market entry should I choose?
– What are the specific opportunities in your industry?
After two years, the directors of CzechTrade's foreign offices will come to Brno for the International Engineering Fair directly from the territories and will help you in solving your export activities and issues in 47 countries.
The directors of CzechTrade's foreign offices have been working in the territories for a long time, they know the current events on the local markets, export opportunities, business conditions, customs, language and contacts. They help open more doors for exporters than individual efforts in an unfamiliar environment would bring. They can help you select suitable territories for your product or service, find trading partners, assess the realistic chances of success and recommend the best way forward.
You can easily find out whether your field of activity is promising for your chosen foreign market at Each country profile lists promising export industries.
Consultations will also be provided by experts from the Client Centre for Export, which is a joint activity of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the CzechTrade agency. Further consultations will be provided to companies by specialists of the CzechTrade Design Centre, which is a national platform of state support for design.
– You can sign up for up to five countries.
– Consultations are individual and last 30 minutes.
– Participation is free, but advance booking is required.
– After submitting your application form, a CzechTrade export consultant will contact you and specify the specific dates of your meetings.
Hall P – Room P4
Digital transformation
The coronavirus crisis has not only accelerated the ongoing digitalisation in companies, but has especially shown the necessity of this process for the continued bare survival of companies in the medium term. In our seminar, you will learn about trends in digital transformation, how to work with data and information, and that digital transformation is especially necessary for small companies. The conference "Digital Transformation" is organized in cooperation with the member company AI check, s.r.o..
Free; reservation required.
Pavilion A2 / 042
Packaging live
Presentation of technologies in practice – robot controlled packaging line accompanied by expert commentary.
Robotization, labeling, packaging, handling, identification, palletization, distribution, information system, monitoring (Industry 4.0).
Hall A – Rotunda room
Assembly of the confederation of industry of the Czech republic
Admission only after prior registration and by invitation only.
Pavilion A2 / 042
Packaging live
Presentation of technologies in practice – robot controlled packaging line accompanied by expert commentary.
Robotization, labeling, packaging, handling, identification, palletization, distribution, information system, monitoring (Industry 4.0).
Hall P – Room P4
Annual partner ELA blockchain meeting
Annual conference on industrial blockchain successfully operating in the Czech Republic (and not only there). Come and learn what blockchain is, how to use it and what possibilities it offers. At the meeting you will learn practical experience of building and operating the system. You will also find out how easy it is to get involved.
Free; reservation required.
Pavilion A2 / 042
Packaging live
Presentation of technologies in practice – robot controlled packaging line accompanied by expert commentary.
Robotization, labeling, packaging, handling, identification, palletization, distribution, information system, monitoring (Industry 4.0).
Hall E – Room S3
Intelligent manufacturing systems and their management
Are you involved in industrial production and do you find it increasingly difficult to stay competitive? Do you feel that labour productivity in your company is stagnating? Are you unable to fully meet the increasingly specific and demanding production needs of your customers, the growing variety of products and to adapt to the current market conditions? Or are you simply interested in current and future trends in manufacturing and their applications? Then the 21st edition of the conference is for you.
The aim of the conference will be to find the right ways to address the above-mentioned concerns and pressing issues. In this respect, the presentations, discussions, poster sessions and the proceedings will focus on the application and use of modern tools, methods and technologies in the practice of industrial enterprises. The issues of design, optimization and effective management of corporate production and logistics processes, systems and technologies will be discussed in particular.
8.30–09.00 Registration of participants
9.00–09.30 Opening of the conference
9.30–12.00 Session 1 – Lectures by experts
12.00–13.00 Lunch
13.00–17.00 Session 2 – PhD Section
Verification and inspection of electrical equipment of working machinery according to ČSN EN 60204-1 ED. 3
Opening of the seminar
Verification of electrical equipment of working machinery according to ČSN EN 60204-1 ed. 3, ch. 18 and in connection with to a number of ČSN 33 2000 standards
– Verification of connectivity of the protection circuit.
– Verification of protection by automatic disconnection.
– Insulation resistance test.
– Voltage tests.
– Protection against residual voltage.
– Verification that protective bonding requirements for electrical equipment with leakage earth currents greater than 10 mA AC or DC are met.
– Functional tests.
–Demonstration measurement according to ČSN EN 60204-1 ed. 3, chapter 18 on simple machinery.
–Preparation of the verification report.
Discussion and end of the event.
Individual visit to the fair
Presenter: Filip Němeček, SYSTEMOTRONIC, s.r.o., Technical advisor in the field of machinery safety, TÜV Functional Safety Technician 094/14
Pavilion G1
Czech Industry Photo
Czech Industry Photo je putovní osvětová výstava, která odhaluje potenciál a skryté krásy českého průmyslu v rámci rozmanitých odvětví. Tato fotovýstava je unikátním projektem, který prostřednictvím vizuální komunikace prezentuje inovace a perspektivu zaměstnání v průmyslu. Zároveň zprostředkovává pohled na pracovní postupy, obory a profese ve výzkumu, vývoji, výrobě, v průmyslovém designu či transferu energií.
Pavilion A2 / Stánek 07
Kontakt-Kontrakt 2021, B2B meetings
Traditional international "Contact-Contract" B2B event is a unique opportunity to increase competitiveness and identify new markets and business partners. It is a joint project of the Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce, Czech and foreign partners belonging to the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), chambers of commerce and BVV Trade Fairs Brno, a.s.
If you are interested in tailor-made meetings, this event combines the advantages of trade fair participation and the increasingly popular matchmaking: bilateral pre-arranged meetings with a precise timetable.
Hall E – Room E2
Czech republic – The industrial superpower 2028?
The international conference is focused on digital transformation in the post-covid era and the subsequent data interconnection of companies leading to increased efficiency of inter-company cooperation. The conference will focus on the definition of strategic development plans for the Czech Republic as well as case studies of successful solutions and practices.
The conference is a follow-up to the interactive exhibition "Digital Factory 2.0", which is a real demonstration of the dynamics of development in the field of digitalization. It is a unique networking of companies from all segments and a showcase of practical examples.The individual sections will present the most effective tools and practices in solving difficult areas. You will have the unique opportunity to engage in a discussion with the key "players" of Industry 4.0 and get a concrete idea of what the "Digital Factory 2.0" project means.
Registration, breakfast
Viktor Popovič – Opening lecture
SECTION 1: The Czech Republic as an industrial superpower?
Jiří Holoubek – Opening lecture
Panellists: Vladimír Mařík
SECTION 2: Artificial intelligence as a key change technology
Zdeněk Havelka – Opening lecture: The psychology and benefits of AI
Klaus Blüm – ŠKODA Auto
Lukáš Kousal – Škoda Auto: Intelieg case study
Petr Horák – Grant Thornton
SECTION 3: Evolution of digital systems – from ERP to AI, 5G networks and Blockchain and the National Recovery Plan as a financial instrument for their implementation
Zbyněk Bolcek – Opening lecture
Petr Očko – MIT
Erik Odvářka – Topwet case study
Věra Šmídová – Ela Blockchain Services
Petr Vojta – ABRA
SECTION 4: Economic Outlook of the Czech Republic - Second Transformation: Risks and Opportunities
16.00– 7.15
Dominik Stroukal – Opening lecture
Panellists: Ondrej Horčička – Grantex
The future of the Czech Republic and health
Jan Vojáček
Afterparty & Networking
Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce
How to enter the markets of the USA, India, Kazakhstan and Brazil (and not only there)
Are you looking for new business partners and opportunities to expand to different foreign markets?
Do you know how CzechTrade can support your business activities?
– New CzechTrade services for exporters (not only in the USA, India, Kazakhstan or Brazil):
– Market Entry (basic market research according to individual client needs)
– Export alliances (benefits for Czech companies operating in the same industry)
– Comprehensive assistance services (sharing of office space, support for financial operations, company formation and registration, finding local staff, etc.)
– Export incubators in the USA, India, Kazakhstan or Brazil (use of local address for communication with foreign partners)
– Current export opportunities in the USA, India, Kazakhstan and Brazil
– Optimal forms of entry into these markets
– INDIVIDUAL CONSULTATIONS with directors of CzechTrade's foreign offices
Jan Kubata, Director of Services for Exporters at CzechTrade, will present new possibilities for supporting Czech companies in foreign markets through Export Incubators, Export Alliances and Comprehensive Assistance Services.
Export opportunities in the USA, India, Kazakhstan and Brazil, recommended steps for entering those markets,
the prerequisites for success and business practices will be presented by the directors of CzechTrade's foreign offices: Luboš Matějka, director of CzechTrade's foreign office in the USA, Ivan Kameník, director of CzechTrade's foreign office in India, Petr Jurčík, director of CzechTrade's foreign office in Kazakhstan and Jan Michálek, director of CzechTrade's foreign office in Brazil.
You can enter the event without a ticket to the fair. It is therefore not intended exclusively for companies participating in MSV Brno.
Hall P – Room P4
Swiss innovation forum
Welcoming address:
– Jiří Jirkovský, Vice president HST
– Philippe Guex, Swiss Ambassador in Czechia
– Alexander Hoffet, Swiss Ambassador in Slovakia
Keynote speech:
Innovation & Talents: Two competitive pillars for the Swiss industry,
Prof. Nabil Ouerhani, Haute Ecole Arc Neuchatel
Presentation of Swiss Companies: Case Studies and References by Bistronic, Heule and SFS
– Bystronic Czech Republic: Smart factory solution – Hugo Allemann, Senior VP of Market Division CE
– Heule Werkzeuge AG: Deburring of Cross Bores – The COFA-X Technology – Tomaš Tymkovic, National Sales Manager
– SFS Group CZ: SFS Centre of Excellence for threaded fasteners – Petr Gillar, General Manager
Panel discussion „Trends & Innovation driving the Swiss Industry” with representatives of: Bystronic
Czech Republic, Heule Werkzeuge AG, SFS Group CZ and with Prof. Nabil Ouerhani, Haute Ecole Arc
Neuchatel and Pavol Adamec, Executive Director, KPMG Slovakia.
Presentation: Jiři Jirkovsky, Vice president HST
Closing words: Katalin Dreher-Hajnal, Senior Consultant CEE, S-GE
Adam Szugajew, Trade Officer, Swiss Business Hub CE
Hall E – Room S1
Vocational education and training in the energy sector
The content of the conference will focus on the interconnection of the Framework Educational Programmes in Secondary Vocational Education and Further Vocational Education - the National Occupational System, the Act on Occupational Safety in Connection with the Operation of Dedicated Technical Equipment and on Amendments to Related Acts, etc.
The essence of the professional conference will not be the institutional status of the National Qualifications System bodies, but the actual educational programmes and their content linking the teaching of energy fields in secondary vocational schools and higher vocational schools and further vocational education.
Hall P – Room P1
Industrial savings 2021: Sustainable development in uncertain times
The Savings in Industry Conference is back where it started. Ten years ago at the International Engineering Fair, we began regularly charting a theme that focuses on one thing common to every industrial enterprise. It wants to produce at optimum cost and doesn't want to waste. Year after year, we have been convinced that although the topic of savings is a strong incentive to save, the opposite is true. Yet every penny invested, or invested correctly, can result in the elimination of waste in the future at a much higher level. As well as the financial aspects of the measures, the composition of the event goes hand in hand with the theme of sustainable development. Reducing energy consumption in production, correct use of waste water, eliminating waste in compressed air, ecological and efficient lubrication of machines, managing consumption with modern information systems – these are the topics that can steer companies successfully towards sustainable development. Industrial savings are not about saving money, they are about strategies to ensure a sustainable, waste-free enterprise. Our conference is focused on exactly that.
For the full programme and more information visit
Hall A – Brno room
Meeting of the Czech-Indonesian joint commission for economic cooperation
Hall E – Room S2
Digitalization of the production ecosystem for the emergence of the smart factory
The main goal of Industry 4.0 is to collect and share all automatically generated information by each production component and machine to work optimally together in a production ecosystem or factory. Real success is then achieved by analyzing this information to gain actionable insights that translate into corrective actions or operational efficiencies that can be continuously implemented in a smart factory environment to make it more competitive. This is no small task as the data must be aggregated, analyzed and redistributed to all levels of processing between the sensor and the server.
The seminar will discuss in detail the functionalities and methods of implementation and deployment of each level of the production ecosystem. Much attention will be paid to the KINGSTAR software platform for creating flexible machine controllers and the MES PATRIOT manufacturing information system. The seminar is intended for the general technical public.
The morning session (10.00–12.30) is intended primarily for machine designers, machine control developers and competent employees of manufacturing companies
Guest: Fabrice Boisset from IntervalZero – General Manager for the EMEA region
– Moving from hardware architecture to intelligent software architecture.
– Driver modularity as a path to flexibility for high production variability.
– Standardization of hardware and software for high availability and protection of investment.
– KINGSTAR automation platform for creating intelligent machine drivers.
The afternoon session (from 13.00–15.30 ) is designed for owners and executive management and competent personnel of manufacturing companies
Guest: doc. Dr. Ing. Ivo Formánek from DTO CZ – expert in industrial engineering and management and optimization of company processes and projects
– Machine data acquisition, integration of machine drivers with the production information system.
– Analysis of production monitoring data and feedback for optimization.
– Variability of production planning with respect to specific product line capabilities.
– Use of augmented reality in the day-to-day operation of a production plant.
– Modern maintenance management information system.
Partnership / On-line
Taiwan excellence pushing the boundaries of smart manufacturing (webinar)
Welcome Remarks
Taiwan Machine Tool & Accessory Builders' Association (TMBA)
Mr. Wen-Hsien Hsu Chairman
HIWIN Intelligent Motion Control Product Introduction
Mr. Maurice Chang, Senior Director Marketing Group
High Efficiency System for Automatic Production
Ms. Lucy Chen Special Assistant
FFG Smart Manufacturing and Future Opportunities
Fair Friend Enterprise Co., Ltd. (FFG)
Mr. Miro Lin, General Manager of Intelligent Manufacturing & Data Services Div.
Make a Move to Intelligent Manufacturing
Tongtai Machine & Tool Co., Ltd.
Mr. Jolly Wu Sales Assisted Manager
How to Embrace Smart Manufacturing Post COVID-19 to Increase Machining Efficiency and Resilience
AXILE Machine (Buffalo Machinery)
Ms. Erica Tsai Sales Manager
Pavilion A2 / 042
Packaging live
Presentation of technologies in practice – robot controlled packaging line accompanied by expert commentary.
Robotization, labeling, packaging, handling, identification, palletization, distribution, information system, monitoring (Industry 4.0).
Administration building – Room 102
Czech-Indonesian business forum and B2B
Pavilion A2 / 042
Packaging live
Presentation of technologies in practice – robot controlled packaging line accompanied by expert commentary.
Robotization, labeling, packaging, handling, identification, palletization, distribution, information system, monitoring (Industry 4.0).
Pavilion A2 / 042
Packaging live
Presentation of technologies in practice – robot controlled packaging line accompanied by expert commentary.
Robotization, labeling, packaging, handling, identification, palletization, distribution, information system, monitoring (Industry 4.0).
Partnership / On-line
Průmyslová zařízení a instalace, jejich ochrana před bleskem a přepětím a nejen to
Prodloužení životnosti průmyslových aplikací, omezení nákladů na provoz a údržbu.
Přednáší: Jan Hájek, DEHN s.r.o. a spoluautor Knížky o ochraně před bleskem
Ukázka průmyslové instalace při skladování a manipulaci s hořlavými kapalinami.
Přednáší: Lukáš Rotrekl, DEHN s.r.o.
Zjednodušení návrhu ochrany výrobních zařízení před bleskem.
Přednáší: Jan Hájek, DEHN s.r.o. a spoluautor Knížky o ochraně před bleskem
Hall E – Room E4
Resilience, stability and safety of power systems
9.30– 9.45
Conference opening
Ing. Richard Vidlička, MBA, ČSZE Member of the Board of Directors and Director
Cyber security in the energy sector in relation to Czech and EU legislation
JUDr. Michal Jedlička, Public Affairs, ČEZ, a. s.
Critical Infrastructure Protection in ČEPS Conditions
PhDr. Martin Bílek, Ph.D., Director of Security, ČEPS, a.s.
Will energy remain affordable for all?
Prices as one of the factors of energy security
Ing. Jiří Gavor, CSc., Executive Director, ANDE
Reliability and resilience of distribution networks EG.D, a.s.
Ing. Daniel Kouba, Ph.D., network management, EG.D, a.s.
Security of power systems in the light of current threats
Gen. Ing. Andor Šándor, Security Advisor
Discussion, conclusion
Ing. Richard Vidlička, MBA, ČSZE Member of the Board of Directors and Director
Partnership / On-line
Projektování, instalace a monitoring dobíjecích stanic pro elektromobily
Zahájení semináře
– Jak vybrat, připojit a řídit nabíjecí stanice.
– Elektromobilita a různé typy nabíjecích stanic.
– Požadavky norem při projektování a jejich provozu.
– Poradíme, jak vybrat nabíjecí stanici dle typu řidiče, auta, kapacity baterie i podle velikosti nabíjecího parku.
– Zjistíte další možnosti připojení do distribuční sítě –centralizované a decentralizované rozvody el. energie.
– Poradíme jak na omezenou kapacitu u rodinných domů, bytových domů a parkovišť.
– Řešení pro rodinné a bytové domy i administrativní budovy.
Přednáší: Ing. Leoš Kabát, Schneider Electric
Regulátory nabíjení a monitory reziduálních proudů.
Přednáší: Ing. Roman Smékal a Ing. Šenberger, GHV Trading s.r.o.
Nařízení o instalaci nabíjecích míst do budov - Evropská směrnice 2018/844 implementovaná do vyhlášky 268/2009 Sb.
Přednáší: Ing. Jiří Horák, metodik LPE s.r.o.
Požadavky na kabelovou přípravu pro nabíjecí stanice a novinky v oblasti nabíjecích stanic.
Přednáší: Jan Franěk, Hager Electro s.r.o.
Diskuse a konec akce.
Individuální návštěva veletrhu MSV 2021
Pavilion G1
Czech Industry Photo
Czech Industry Photo je putovní osvětová výstava, která odhaluje potenciál a skryté krásy českého průmyslu v rámci rozmanitých odvětví. Tato fotovýstava je unikátním projektem, který prostřednictvím vizuální komunikace prezentuje inovace a perspektivu zaměstnání v průmyslu. Zároveň zprostředkovává pohled na pracovní postupy, obory a profese ve výzkumu, vývoji, výrobě, v průmyslovém designu či transferu energií.
Hall A – Room Morava
EPAL European pallet association pallet day
– EPAL, history of pallets and UIC/EPAL, portfolio presentation.
– The quality of EPAL pallets.
– Current situation on the wood and pallet market.
– Intelligent pallets (iPAL) and innovations in EPAL.
– Packaging labelling of using inkjet printing.
– Presentation by the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic.
– Presentation of the Financial Administration of the Slovak Republic.
– Presentation by ÚKZÚZ - state authority for IPPC.
– Risks and insurance in transport and logistics.
Hall P – Room P1
Modern technologies in the plastics industry
In 2020, news from the plastics industry has not yet been successfully introduced. The intervention of a higher power in the spring period prevented the traditional Moulds and Plastics conference from taking place. The planned PLASTY 2020 conference from Trade Media International had to face an obstacle; its announced inclusion in PLASTEX was not possible due to the cancellation of the fair. The physical conference, which will be part of this year's MSV 2021, thus finally presents a meeting and platform for industry news that will once again bring interesting tips for the sector. Do you represent a segment of the plastics industry? Do you want to know what's next for the market (including technological aspects)? This is the one event you must not miss!
For the full programme and more information visit:
Pavilion A2 / 042
Packaging live
Presentation of technologies in practice – robot controlled packaging line accompanied by expert commentary.
Robotization, labeling, packaging, handling, identification, palletization, distribution, information system, monitoring (Industry 4.0).
Pavilion A2 / 042
Packaging live
Presentation of technologies in practice – robot controlled packaging line accompanied by expert commentary.
Robotization, labeling, packaging, handling, identification, palletization, distribution, information system, monitoring (Industry 4.0).
Pavilion A2 / 042
Packaging live
Presentation of technologies in practice – robot controlled packaging line accompanied by expert commentary.
Robotization, labeling, packaging, handling, identification, palletization, distribution, information system, monitoring (Industry 4.0).
Pavilion A2 / 042
Packaging live
Presentation of technologies in practice – robot controlled packaging line accompanied by expert commentary.
Robotization, labeling, packaging, handling, identification, palletization, distribution, information system, monitoring (Industry 4.0).
Pavilion G1
Czech Industry Photo
Czech Industry Photo je putovní osvětová výstava, která odhaluje potenciál a skryté krásy českého průmyslu v rámci rozmanitých odvětví. Tato fotovýstava je unikátním projektem, který prostřednictvím vizuální komunikace prezentuje inovace a perspektivu zaměstnání v průmyslu. Zároveň zprostředkovává pohled na pracovní postupy, obory a profese ve výzkumu, vývoji, výrobě, v průmyslovém designu či transferu energií.
Pavilion A2 / 042
Packaging live
Presentation of technologies in practice – robot controlled packaging line accompanied by expert commentary.
Robotization, labeling, packaging, handling, identification, palletization, distribution, information system, monitoring (Industry 4.0).
Pavilion A2 / 042
Packaging live
Presentation of technologies in practice – robot controlled packaging line accompanied by expert commentary.
Robotization, labeling, packaging, handling, identification, palletization, distribution, information system, monitoring (Industry 4.0).
Pavilion A2 / 042
Packaging live
Presentation of technologies in practice – robot controlled packaging line accompanied by expert commentary.
Robotization, labeling, packaging, handling, identification, palletization, distribution, information system, monitoring (Industry 4.0).