International Engineering Fair

64th International Engineering Fair

Almeva East Europe a.s.

Company ID: 28303156

Almeva is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of plastic exhaust systems in the Czech Republic and in all-Eastern Europe. The company also offers OEM solutions for manufacturers or importers of condensation boilers and the manufacturers of chimney systems. The product portfolio includes the complete offer of all types of chimney systems. The company is capable of supplying any type of flue gas pipe for any appliance.
As a representative of the company Exodraft from Denmark, we offer energy-saving solutions - industrial heat recovery and use of waste process heat.
Almeva is a member of many professional organisations, such as (the societies of chimney sweepers, installers, fireplace, stove builders, the technical standardisation committee).

LOCATION: Pavilion F / 059

Address of the company


Družstevní 501
664 43, Želešice
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 513 033 101

Represented brands

Exodraft a/s

8.22.2 Energy-saving devices and technologies

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