
International Fair for Motorcycles, ATVs, Accessories and Clothing

29. 02. - 03. 03. 2024 Date
Brno Exhibition Centre Venue
Entrances and parking

Event details

MOTOSALON is the largest branch presentation in Central Europe and it is the only motorcycle fair which is held under the auspices of the Car Importers Association - the motorcycle section.

The fair will showcase the complete range of important brands available on the Czech market and the hot novelties and will offer the visitor a display of everything that is connected with the motorcycle including attractive supporting programme.

Opening hours


29. 2. (VIP) 9.00–13.00
29. 2. 13.00–18.00
1.–2. 3. 9.00–18.00
3. 3. 9.00–17.00

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