
Zahájení motorkářské sezony na brněnském výstavišti




The first race gloves to be produced in the Czech Republic. The aim was to make our own PSí branded gloves, which will not only be comfortable but also provide the same levels of protection as our race suits. The result is a glove made from 15 different materials with the main base of kangaroo leather. Consisting of 132 different parts that combine in perfect harmony to deliver optimum protection for your hands. Aimed squarely at professional racers, they are also perfectly suited for normal street riders. The wearer should expect some initial small discomfort, which is a necessary side effect of these high-level gloves forming themselves to the wearers hand. Quickly, however, the owner shall be rewarded with 100% comfort and 100% protection. The gloves are delivered in a practical bag which, when used, shall ensure they are always kept, and found, together.

Location Pavilion V / 018


Motorcycling shirt/jacket. Vulnerable areas are Kevlar polyamide reinforced, along with viscoelastic foam protectors providing high shock energy absorption. SLIM cut shirt style. Ideal for urban riding. Perfect complement to our Kevlar jeans. Protectors are easily removed to extend use in to comfortable every day wear.

Location Pavilion V / 018

Kotoučový zámek s alarmem

Tato varianta zámků vám vyřeší problémy s neustálým nedostatkem volného místa a nadměrnou zátěží

TOKOZ a.s.
Location Pavilion V / 005

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