Národní výstava myslivosti

National Gamekeeping Show

Gestal s.r.o.


We are a company that deals in the sale of optical devices, especially riflescopes, thermal vision and night vision. We also offer a wide range of assembly for weapons, sale of safes, weapons and ammunition. We are the official distributor of the ELEMENT-OPTICS brand in the Slovak Republic.

The production of ENGRAVING products is a separate part of our company's direction. Where we offer a wide range of production from gift items to advertising production to engraving of metal and non-metal materials for industry.

Our goal is to build frequent and long-term personal contacts, both with our business partners and with end customers.

LOCATION: Pavilion G1 / 024

Address of the company


Povstanie českého ludu 9
040 22, Košice
Slovakia Show the location of main office on map
+421 905 434 218
E-mail: gerak@gestal.sk

Represented brands


2 Hunting grounds, ammunition, optical systems

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