
Child Products Fair

Česká obuvnická a kožedělná asociace

Company ID: 26982510

The Czech Footwear and Leather Association - ČOKA currently brings together about 60 companies and other institutions engaged in the production and sale of footwear and footwear materials and components, as well as scientific research, testing and testing activities, teaching and education. Since its foundation, it has also been dedicated to educating and enlightening customers in terms of healthy footwear. Particular attention is paid to children's footwear. ČOKA cooperates with orthopaedic surgeons, podiatrists, physiotherapists and other experts to determine the requirements for healthy footwear for children that promotes the healthy development of their feet. As part of the above-standard evaluation, ČOKA also awards quality and health-safe children's footwear with the "Giraffe" label - a health-safe shoe for your child. The mark is a clear signal to parents of children that such marked footwear is not only health-safe in terms of the materials used and its construction, but is also safe and of high quality.

LOCATION: Pavilion F / 021

Address of the company


Tř. T. Bati 5267
760 01, Zlín
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 577 525 230

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