International Fair of Agricultural Technology

Alvan Blanch Czech s.r.o.

Company ID: 6859429

Continuous grain driers, Multi-purpose continuous driers, Flaking systems, Machines and Equipment for animal feed production.

LOCATION: Pavilion G1 / 005

Address of the company


Sukova třída 1556
530 02, Pardubice
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 602 800 706

Represented brands

Extrudéry a expandéry Almex

16 Machines and equipment for postharvest processing, conservation and storing

Pádlové míchačky a kladivové mlýny Dinnissen

16 Machines and equipment for postharvest processing, conservation and storing

Protiproudé sušárny a chladiče Geelen

16 Machines and equipment for postharvest processing, conservation and storing

Dávkovací a vážící systémy KSE Alfra

16 Machines and equipment for postharvest processing, conservation and storing

Kompletní výrobny krmných směsí Ottevanger

16 Machines and equipment for postharvest processing, conservation and storing

Prstencové matrice a pláště rolen PCE

16 Machines and equipment for postharvest processing, conservation and storing

Balící systémy Premier Tech

16 Machines and equipment for postharvest processing, conservation and storing

Granulační linky PTN

16 Machines and equipment for postharvest processing, conservation and storing

Vaničkové dopravníky Simatek

16 Machines and equipment for postharvest processing, conservation and storing

Hranaté zásobníky a sila TSC

16 Machines and equipment for postharvest processing, conservation and storing

Represented companies

Almex BV
Dinnissen BV
Geelen Counterflow
KSE Process Technology BV
Ottevanger Milling Engineers BV
PCE Pelleting Consumables Europe KFT
Premier Tech Chronos BV
PTN Pelleting Technology Netherlands BV
Simatek Bulk Systems A/S
TSC Top Silo Constructions BV

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