Smart Municipal Solutions


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ColdSense Outdoor

We have developed the ColdSense Outdoor device for measuring temperature and humidity. The device itself is located inside a specially designed pagoda, which ensures optimal temperature in any conditions, including direct sunlight. The device is connected to the Internet via the NB-IoT or Sigfox network and thus has a very low consumption. The batteries last in operation for up to several years. We also provide a web application for the device for preview and analysis of measured values. Alternatively, we can connect the data from the sensor to your preferred application.

Location Pavilion E-I / 022


The DistSense device is designed for measuring the filling of waste containers using a laser. We produce it in several different variants so that it can optimally measure in both above-ground and underground containers. The device is connected to the Internet via the NB-IoT or Sigfox network and thus has a very low consumption. The batteries last in operation for up to several years. We also provide a web application for the device for preview and analysis of measured values. Alternatively, we can connect the data from the sensor to your preferred application.

Location Pavilion E-I / 022

LocSense Pole

LocSense uses GPS / GNSS / GLONASS systems to determine its location. In the Pole variant, it is specially designed for portable traffic signs. In addition to the current location of the traffic sign, it also monitors its position (standing / lying), its rotation using a compass and also whether it is moving. The device is placed from the top in the tube on which the sign is attached. The device is connected to the Internet via the NB-IoT or Sigfox network and thus has a very low consumption. The batteries last in operation for up to several years. We also provide a web application for the device for preview and analysis of measured values. Alternatively, we can connect the data from the sensor to your preferred application.

Location Pavilion E-I / 022


Based on spatial and sociodemographic data, we are mapping critical hotspots for decision-makers to implement more efficiently heat mitigation strategies. Protecting the citizens and helping urban planners to design better urban environments is the core of our mission. Our mapping services have been recommended by the Joint Research Center, the European Commission’s science and knowledge service, as an efficient solution to help cities reach their SDGs.

Location Pavilion E-I / 004


Our platform aims to help citizens to identify places in the city where the local quality of life matches their expectations regarding their lifestyle preferences. The platform not only benefits citizens but also the Urban Planning authorities within the city. By understanding the citizens’ preferences, needs, movements, they can come up with more efficient master planning and have a clearer vision to implement urban policymaking. We compute The Livability Index for each neighborhood parcel by combining the outcome of various indicators like the thermal comfort, the access to clean water, the security, the distance to health services, the density of green areas, the proximity to schools, the access to sports facilities, and many more!

Location Pavilion E-I / 004


We build 3D models of potential projects to understand the impact of the microclimate on the urban environment and compare the resilience potential of each project. Assessing the microclimate impacts on these projects helps the city planners to select the most efficient urban design in order to create resilience.

Location Pavilion E-I / 004

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