Fair of smart solutions for cities and municipalities

20. - 22. 09. 2022 Date
Brno Exhibition Centre Venue
Entrances and parking

Event details

URBIS SMART CITY FAIR brings a clever combination of the fair with an exclusive conference program, which will introduce the leaders in the field of Smart city. Over the course of three days, dozens of representatives of Central European cities and municipalities and leaders in innovation will meet with a single goal - to share experiences, ideas and examples of concrete solutions on how to properly develop the concept of Smart City in cities. So that the citizens can live better in them.

In 2022, the URBIS SMART CITY FAIR and the ongoing FUTURE MOBILITY project are part of the European Mobility Week and, due to the Czech Republic's presidency of the Council of the European Union, the URBAN MOBILITY DAYS conference is part of these events.

Opening hours


20.–21. 9. 9.00–18.00
22. 9. 9.00–16.30
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