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Inspection of bridge structures

High-quality and well-functioning bridges are essential for safe road traffic. With the help of bridge inspections, possible failures can be detected at the beginning of their occurrence, thanks to which the costs of their removal can be much lower than after months or years of uncontrolled degradation.

In case of detection of serious malfunctions, it may be decided to carry out a diagnostic survey. After all, this should also precede any major repair or reconstruction of the bridge. The basic goal of the diagnostic survey is to find the causes of failures or degradation of the structure and to determine their effect on the safety and lifespan of the bridge.

When examining the condition of bridges, CDV uses accredited laboratories in which it performs tests of concrete, aggregates, mortar, etc. It also performs non-destructive tests and measurements that do not require restrictions on traffic on the bridge.

Location Pavilion A1 / 021 Pavilion A1 / 021A Open air space D2 / 018

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