Christmas Market

Vánoční nákupní centrum

Dám si kafe

Company ID: 19359942

Did you know that a mug is one of the most effective advertising items that a company can use to present itself?
As a family business, we can offer you interesting prices, an individual approach, fast order processing, quality printing, free help with editing graphics and possibly creating customized graphics, printing mugs without any limits.
We print a ceramic mug, but also a tin mug.
And since mugs inevitably include good coffee or tea, we will be happy to provide you with that as well. Bean and ground coffee from a Czech family roaster, on which you can have your own logo, slogan or image.
Contact us and we will prepare a price calculation directly tailored for you without obligation. If you send us a logo, slogan or even a picture, we will be happy to create previews of the final look for you, so you can better choose your favorite.

LOCATION: Pavilion F / 015A

Address of the company


Břeclavská 5
619 00, Brno
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 739 577 041

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