Smart solutions for the future mobility


Field 7 Automated and autonomous driving and driver assistance systems
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Location Open air space D2 / 004A Open air space D2 / 004
Location Pavilion A1 / 009
Location Pavilion A1 / 027

Ing. Ivo Herman, CSc.

Herman is a leading Czech manufacturer of units for communication via V2X technology and is also one of the largest domestic manufacturers of hardware and software for public transport. Communication via V2X is based on the European ITS standard - G5. In addition to successful international tests focused on this technology, the company can also boast several years of deployment in real operation at more than a hundred intersections and nearly two thousand vehicles. It was one of the key players in the implementation of the Brno C-ITS projects within the C-Roads platform, which brings together road operators and experts from across Europe to harmonise services related to cooperative intelligent transport systems. These systems enable increased efficiency, attractiveness and greening of public transport, with new functions that would have been unattainable with older technologies. Herman has succeeded in developing universal communication units for the exchange of information using V2X technology both between vehicles and between vehicles and the surrounding transport infrastructure. The On-Board Units (OBU) are used not only by public transport vehicles, but also by Integrated Rescue System vehicles, i.e. ambulances, fire engines, etc., which, in the context of public transport, require a so-called preference for crossing intersections in the event of an emergency. These are equipped with stationary units (RSU) connected to their controller. As part of the unified traffic prioritisation, V2X thus enables public transport and emergency vehicles to reach their destination earlier and at the same time increase road safety.

Location Pavilion A1 / 003
Location Pavilion A1 / 005

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