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International Travel Fairs

MB „Babadukas“

Company ID: 304954318

The company MB Babadukas is engaged in the rental of recreation and entertainment equipment. The company operates throughout Lithuania. The main activity of the company is the rental of inflatable trampolines. MB Babadukas is one of the companies offering the largest assortment of this production in Lithuania. Our advantage is that we can offer inflatable trampolines from the smallest, intended for the babies, to extremely large - giant inflatable trampolines for children and adults. In total, our assortment currently consists of 15 pieces of inflatable trampolines and we plan to stock up with newer trampolines every year.
The uniqueness of our activities is that our inflatable trampolines are unique in their design, color and durability. All products are certified and comply with EU safety standards. MB Babadukas inflatable trampoline rental services also include delivery service to any city in the country. We provide services both for individuals and organizations, for various celebrations, events, gatherings. Every year, MB Babadukas also organizes a ride-on inflatable trampoline park, when all MB Babadukas trampolines are set up in different cities of Lithuania, and a large number of people can enjoy the entertainment.
Operating since 2018, we have already created a circle of regular customers and we are happy that it only increases every year. Our vision and motto is to grow up and to create much more happy smiles every year!

LOCATION: Pavilion G1 / 035

Address of the company


Liepu g. 1
LT-74323, Vadžgirys, Jurbarkas region
Lithuania Show the location of main office on map
+370 608 251 51

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