International Defence and Security Technologies Fair

Mipesa s.r.o.

Company ID: 48025151

The company Mipesa, s.r.o. was founded in 1992 for the purpose of importing and distributing products of selected foreign brands to the Czech Republic. During its more than 30 years of activity on the market, MIPESA has become a reliable and professional supplier to the state and private sector, either directly or through our wide distribution network.

Our company is a long-term importer of PELI™ Products S.L.U.

The import and sale of PELI™ products is the main part of our business. During our cooperation with the company PELI™, which started in 1997, our company has become an expert in the sale and service of professional flashlights, portable lighting systems and high-performance protective cases not only for professionals from the ranks of the Fire Brigade, Police and Army of the Czech Republic. PELI™ high-performance protective cases and boxes are the real top among durable packaging and the only real original in the field of durable cases. PELI™ protective cases meet all the necessary certifications and standards related to use in the armies of NATO member countries

LOCATION: Open air space P / 007

Address of the company


Jasmínová 2611/5
106 00, Praha 10
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 272 650 202

Represented brands


1.9 Weapons and ammunition accessories

Represented companies


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