International Defence and Security Technologies Fair

Northrop Grumman LITEF GmbH


LITEF is one of the leading companies in the development and manufacturing of navigation and sensor systems. The company's expertise is based on German technology for mechanical, fibre optic and micromechanical inertial sensors. This enables ITAR-free distribution of LITEF products around the globe.

Founded in 1961 and headquartered in Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany), LITEF’s product range includes sensors, inertial measurement units, attitude and heading reference systems, inertial navigation systems and inertial reference systems. In close dialogue with the customer, specific product solutions are developed for measurement and navigation tasks with maximum precision and reliability requirements.

LITEF products are in use worldwide with applications ranging from civil and military aviation, land and marine applications to industrial solutions.

LOCATION: Pavilion P / 035

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