
Child Products Fair



Our company was founded in 1992. We are a family company and manufacture everything in Poland. We have extensive experience in creating beautiful and at the same time practical products for children and babies.

In our company, the unique thing is that we combine a classic sewing machine with a flat knitting machine, and knitwear is a specialty of the company.

Manufactured from the highest quality certified yarns are sweaters, hats, blankets, swaddling blankets, kids’ sleeping bags, stroller bedding sets, and many other fabric accessories that delight even the most demanding customers.

We focus on the quality of materials used in production from Polish manufacturers. We create with passion, following the latest trends. Our products are also well-received in many countries like Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Bulgaria, Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia,

LOCATION: Pavilion F / 006

Address of the company


Szafranowa 11
42-200, Częstochowa
Poland Show the location of main office on map
+48 343 721 261

Represented brands


4.3 Equipment for sucklings and babies


4.3 Equipment for sucklings and babies

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