Fair of smart solutions for cities and municipalities

Technické sítě Brno, akciová společnost

Company ID: 25512285

Technical Networks Brno, a joint-stock company, is registered in the commercial register maintained by the Regional Court in Brno in section B, file 2500. The managing person is the Statutory City of Brno, ID 449 92 785, with its registered office in Brno-město, Dominikánské náměstí 196/1, 602 00 Brno. The company Technical Networks Brno, a joint-stock company is a member of the SMB concern.
Activity description:
 public and ceremonial lighting of the statutory city of Brno – operation, maintenance, renewal, development, advertising,
 collector network of the statutory city of Brno – operation, maintenance, renewal, development,
 routes and data – metropolitan network, optical routes, connectivity, storage, supervision, maintenance,
 cyber security – architecture, LOG management, SIEM, SOC, CSIRT, NÚKIB reporting.

LOCATION: Pavilion A1 / 023

Address of the company


Barvířská 5
602 00, Brno
Czech Republic Show the location of main office on map
+420 545 424 011

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