Fair of smart solutions for cities and municipalities


Company ID: 6912343201

CODE TEAM provides comprehensive management systems support. Our main product is the CT-GOV system. The product is an ERP software that allows you to manage institutions, universities and production plants. It enables management of settlements, human resources and quality policy. We have over 15 years of experience in providing IT products used in many cities around the world. We are a professional and well-coordinated team of programmers ready to find an IT solution that will improve the operation of your institution.

LOCATION: Pavilion A1 / 031

Address of the company


3 Maja 25/1
56-400, Oleśnica
Poland Show the location of main office on map
+48 602 578 295

Exhibited products


CODE TEAM provides comprehensive management systems support. Our main product is the CT-GOV system. The product is an ERP software that allows you to manage institutions, universities and production plants. It enables management of settlements, human resources and quality policy. We have over 15 years of experience in providing IT products used in many cities around the world. We are a professional and well-coordinated team of programmers ready to find an IT solution that will improve the operation of your institution.

Fields of activity

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