International Engineering Fair

MSV 2019 will be a fair of technology and innovation for the industry of the future

The 61st International Engineering Fair will once again show visitors the latest innovations and trends in the area of industrial technologies. From 7 to 11 October 2019, more than 1,600 exhibitors from dozens of countries around the world will be exhibiting in Brno. In addition, an interactive exhibition focusing on the digitisation of industry and a number of conference and networking events are being prepared.

Digital Factory as the main theme of MSV 2019

Ongoing digitisation in all areas of human activity brings constantly new, more advanced but at the same time realistic production models. This year's special exhibition in Hall A1 entitled Digital Factory 2.0 will be an illustrative and highly advanced example of digital transformation. Those interested will learn about the principles of production digitisation and individual products, tools and solutions through exhibitors' presentations. Other solutions focusing on the digital future will be presented at exhibitors' displays in individual industry halls. A supporting feature of the Digital Factory 2.0 exhibition will be an eponymous conference with the subtitle "Czech Republic as an industrial superpower? ". It will take place on 9 October at 9 am in Hall E. The future of Czech industry in the digital era and the second wave of industry 4.0 as a chance for the Czech economy will be discussed.

From the Basque Country to China: the whole world exhibits in Brno!

Companies from at least thirty countries head to MSV every year, and this year it will not be any different. “The interest in participation is traditionally high and, as in previous years, the entire exhibition centre will be occupied. The largest sectors at MSV remain machining and forming. A significant increase in new interesting companies from the Czech Republic and abroad is recorded at the Transport and Logistics fair, ” says MSV director Michalis Busios. Out of more than 1,600 exhibitors, one half will be foreign and world market leaders will bring the best of their offer to Brno – from high-performance machine tools to the latest generation of industrial robots. Most foreign exhibitors will come again from Germany , where two traditional official participations, backed by the federal states (Bundesländer), are also announced. The larger display, featuring 15 companies, is being prepared by Bavaria, the smaller display called “Mitteldeutschland ” with five companies will represent the federal states of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and ThuringiaSlovakia will present itself under the auspices of the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency SARIO in Hall V. Visitors will also see the official displays  of the Basque Country, Belarus, China, France, India, Italy, Austria, Russia and Taiwan. For the first time there will also be an official stand of Hungary. In the modern history of MSV, this will be a première participation of Hungary at this level.

Machining in grand style again

Measured by the number of exhibitors and the extent of occupied space, traditionally the strongest branch of MSV are machine tools and forming machines, including tools, control systems and other accessories. Machining will occupy the largest Hall P, while Hall B will be dedicated to forming. Large traditional exhibitors will again include DMG MORI, TAJMAC-ZPS, Kovosvit MAS, ABB, ALBA Precision, Renishaw, GÜHRING, Yamazaki Mazak, Carl Zeiss, GALIKA AG, SCHUNK Intec and Alfleth Engineering. The area is being expanded among others by Zimmer Group Slovakia and Technology-support. The première participants of MSV include Habilis Steel, Helmer Werkzeugmaschinen, OMOS, SARTORIUS Werkzeuge, VYDONA, G-FIX industrial adhesives and aerosols, INDEX-Werke, LINEA or S.O.S Difak. The company CERATIZIT, which is one of the leaders in the field of tools for machining, will also be present.

News from all fields

Materials and components for mechanical engineering remain traditionally a strong field of MSV. The company Liberty Ostrava will present its own approach to automation and digitization called Steel 4.0. Important exhibitors of this sector will also be BÖLLHOFF, CLOOS PRAHA, Hungarian ISD DUNAFERR or ZKL Bearings CZ. The branch of fasteners will be well represented with the participation of new companies such as KIPP CZ, TEXIM or Romanian ETANSARI GRAFEX .

In the field of welding, a strong participation of exhibitors of robotic systems is expected. The company ARC-H will show its revolutionary X8 MigWelder welding source with breakthrough DProcess function for welding process combinations. FRONIUS Czech Republic will not be missing either. The sector of plastics, rubber and composites promises the participation of all traditional exhibitors, i.e. companies such as ARBURG, ENGEL, LUGER, KUBOUŠEK, Mapro, MORETTO, Piovan, ŠMÍD, VACULA, WittmannBattenfeld CZ and others. BOCO PARDUBICE machines will introduce a new universal extrusion line for the production of strings for 3D printers, welding wires or strings for garden equipment.

The participation of companies in the field of electronics, automation and measuring technology is expected to be steadily high. Suppliers of measuring systems and instruments will have a very strong presence here, bringing a number of innovations. An example is the company SUBTER PLUS and its automatic optical quality control device DOSS Zehn. The Slovak company Robustech will introduce at MSV its new 3D optical template TubeInspect P8 from the manufacturer Aicon 3D Systems. The traditional participants in the field of electronics, automation and measuring technology include companies such as ABB, Carl Zeiss, DEL, FANUC Czech, Hexagon Metrology, Mitutoyo, Olympus, Rožnov p. R., Stäubli Systems, TM Technik or UNIS . New exhibitors come mainly with robots and software for mechanical engineering. These  include Agerit, Beckhoff Automation, Conrad Electronic, DREAMland, Pilz Czech and Space Systems Czech, as well as the Lithuanian company Inovatyviu procesu sprendimai, Slovak BBI Int. or Polish VS Technology Poland. After more than ten years, major companies Pragolab and ifm electronic arereturning to the fair. This measurement technology manufacturer will also impress you with the form of its presentation: it will park its special truck with a unique design at MSV. You will certainly not miss the stand of the automation company KUKA, which will once again bring to Brno the sought-after attraction Robocoaster. This robot was first approved to operate with passengers and works like a merry-go-round. KUKA will also introduce in Brno a new generation of its best-selling KR Quantec product line.

Czech national display The Country For The Future

The Czech Republic newly presents its economic potential under the brand " Czech Republic: The Country For The Future". For the first time, thirteen state institutions will jointly present themselves under one roof:  Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic, CzechInvest, CzechTrade, Czech Export Bank, Czech Development Agency, Czech-Moravian Guarantee and Development Bank, Export Guarantee and Insurance Company, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Industrial Property Office and Test Institute for Mechanical Engineering. They can help those interested in their services with a range of tools at each stage of their business – from an innovative idea via  its implementation to technology export abroad. Consultations of professionals from individual agencies will be complemented by a  supporting programme of the display featuring  a number of specialized seminars. Exhibitions and visitors will find the display in Hall Z.

Transport and Logistics is experiencing significant growth

The Transport and Logistics fair takes place every two years during the MSV. The offer of transport and logistics solutions logically follows on the fair of industrial technologies, and this year's extent confirms that the importance of this sector is growing constantly. Companies from 11 countries have signed up, besides European countries there are also China and Taiwan. There will be a lot of new companies, both domestic and mainly foreign, whose displays will certainly be worth a visit. For the first time at this fair we will see companies such as Kivnon Slovakia, Palletower, NordLogSys, SERAPID, Püschmann, Echipamentepentru Constructii, Santenberg Maschinen Deutschland, MASKLOGIK, ACD Czech, DRAVE Technology, K&K MASCHINENBAU and IGA. Of course, there will also be important companies that have participated in this trade show in the past – for example, Bee Interactive, Trilogiq CZ, Turck Vilant Systems, Linde Material Handling, KNAP Industrietechnik and Convoi.

Discover the benefits of Brno Fair City

Also this year the BRNO FAIR CITY benefits system has been prepared for all MSV participants. Get cheaper travel with a fair ticket. Take advantage of welcome drinks, menu deals or discount schemes prepared for you by selected restaurants of Brno gastronomy. Set off for tasting of local beers in the former air raid  shelter 10-Z. To claim your benefits you will need a bracelet, which is available at the BRNO FAIR CITY Infopoint at the main entrance to the fair. For a full list of benefits please visit the website or look into the BVV Trade Fairs mobile app.

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