Fair of smart solutions for cities and municipalities

SmartPlan s.r.o.

Company ID: 2474743

SmartPlan – urban transport solutions

SmartPlan is a consulting company focused on the implementation of the Smart City concept in accordance with the sustainable development of society. Our approach includes comprehensive solutions to current challenges and threats in the area of densely populated agglomerations.

Currently, we have developed a unique approach to analyzing the needs of publicly accessible charging points based on massive data inputs and cooperation with stakeholders. Based on these outputs, we are able to design an optimal network of connection points so that it covers the current and future expected charging demand and simultaneously it does not burden the distribution system and saves the public budget.

Another challenge is the solution of parking management in cities. Based on its traffic surveys and local surveys, SmartPlan is able to define the current demand and with help of passportization accurately determine the supply of parking spaces. By calculating the deficit of parking spaces, we can recommend an optimal strategy to the city to solve this problem.

The range of our activities for public entities also includes: the creation of a traffic digital twin, traffic modeling, traffic surveys, quiet traffic, quiet parking, the development of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan and many others.

LOCATION: Pavilion A1 / 030

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