International Engineering Fair

Digital Factory 2.0 as the main theme of MSV 2019

Progressive digitisation in all areas of human activity brings ever more new, more advanced yet realistic production models. In fact, however, a large part of the public, and often a part of the professional community, do not know what to really imagine under the term Industry 4.0. Therefore, the MSV International Engineering Fair in Brno creates a unique concept that will change this fact.

The Digital Factory 2.0 and the second wave of Industry 4.0 are the main topics of this year's MSV. Solutions focused on the digital future will be presented at exhibitors' stands in individual sectoral halls. For the first time this year, however, a special display will be fitted at MSV, presenting the two topics in a comprehensive way.

Digital Factory 2.0 exhibition in Hall A1

The exhibition in Hall A1 entitled Digital Factory will enable people to learn about the principles of advanced manufacturing digitisation as well as individual products, tools and solutions through exhibitors' presentations. The exhibition will feature companies such as 33A +, B2A Software Development, ABRA software, Roi management consulting, SmartVision, Proindustry, SKF CZ, TG Drives, Mark2 Corporation Czech, 4dot Mechatronic Systems, Bossard CZ, Grantex Advisory Group, BBI Int., Act-in CZ, Cathedral Software, OSIsoft Czech Republic, SG Equipment Finance, SIDAT and Expo design. There will also be start-ups such as Comfis (a division of Smart4factory), Cooperation, NeuronSW, Simplementa and Tastyair. A great attraction will also be the prototype ŠKODA VISION iV, which will offer a look at the electric future of ŠKODA. The main partner of Digital Factory 2.0 is also Microsoft, which will open its stand in Hall A1.

ABB invites you to the Digital Factory 2.0 exhibition

As a leader in innovative industrial technologies, the company ABB will be an important partner for the Digital Factory 2.0 exhibition in Hall A1. ABB will be presented twice at MSV 2019. In addition to their own extensive display in Hall P, visitors will also find their solutions within the Digital Factory 2.0 exhibition in Hall A1. Visitors will see a unique patented ABB Terra charging station capable of charging a passenger car for a range of 200 km in just 8 minutes, as well as the new IRB 6700 robot series, automated transportation system from partner Slovak company Photoneo and collaborative Yumi robot with a wide range of applications. The exhibition will also feature Ability Manufacturing Operations Management, a solution for streamlining business processes, which will be presented at the ABB Collaboration Table, an interactive table (or board) with a 55-inch touch screen.

Digital Path

The Digital Factory 2.0 exhibition in Hall A1 will also include the Digital Path. It is an educational trail that will introduce visitors to the digitization of manufacturing processes. Companies will present their products, which are involved in the digitization of processes in the relevant context and continuity. People will get detailed information about phenomena such as blockchain, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.

Digital Factory 2.0 conference - The Czech Republic as an Industrial Superpower?

A supporting part of the Digital Factory 2.0 will be a conference of the same name with the subtitle “ The Czech Republic as an Industrial Superpower?”, which will take place in Hall E on 9 October at 9 am. Its main content will focus on presenting effective tools and procedures in tackling problem areas. Keynote speakers will present specific examples from practice.

Action stage for discussions

The Digital Factory 2.0 exhibition will also include an action stage designated for the so-called Cyber Events, i.e. lectures, presentations, round tables and discussions related to the topic of digitisation. Everything will be broadcasted and streamed live by internet TV.

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