International Engineering Fair

Machining in grand style again

Measured by the number of exhibitors and the extent of occupied space, traditionally the strongest branch of MSV are machine tools and forming machines, including tools, control systems and other accessories.

Measured by the number of exhibitors and the extent of occupied space, traditionally the strongest branch of MSV are machine tools and forming machines, including tools, control systems and other accessories. Machining will occupy the largest Hall P, while Hall B will be dedicated to forming. Large traditional exhibitors will again include DMG MORI, TAJMAC-ZPS, Hoffmann Group, Kovosvit MAS, ABB, ALBA Precision, Renishaw, GÜHRING, Yamazaki Mazak, Carl Zeiss, GALIKA AG, SCHUNK Intec and Alfleth Engineering. The area is being expanded among others by Zimmer Group Slovakia and Technology-support. The première participants of MSV include Habilis Steel, Helmer Werkzeugmaschinen, OMOS, SARTORIUS Werkzeuge, VYDONA, G-FIX industrial adhesives and aerosols, INDEX-Werke or LINEA. The company CERATIZIT, which is one of the leaders in the field of tools for machining, will also be present.


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